Question 3 Consider an infinite network of equal resistors as in and two nodes separated by m resistors in one direction and n resistors in the other direction. The cartoon asks for the resistance between the two nodes when m=2,n=1. Our astrophysical-thinking question, however, is the resistance if m^2 + n^2 >> 1. Also the resistance in the analogous three-dimensional problem. We can simplify the problem a little, as follows. Normally, we think of applying a potential (say V) across the two nodes, and measure the current I flowing into one node and out of the other node. The resistance is then V/I. This can be considered as a superposition of two scenarios. Suppose we set the boundary (i.e., infinity) to some constant potential, by grounding it. In the first scenario, we inject a current I into one node, and measure the voltage (say U) at the _other_ node. There is no net current at the second node, it all flows to the boundary. In the second scenario, we inject a current -I into the second node, and measure the voltage at the first node. Well, we don't really need to measure, because by symmetry the voltage will be -U. Superposing the scenarios, we have V = 2U. The simplified version of the problem now reads: if we apply a current source I at some node, which flows out to the boundary, what will be the voltage at some distant node? In one dimension, the answer will clearly by I times half the sum of intervening resistors. (Half because the current I splits at the node into forward and backward flows.) What about in two and three dimensions? Try writing down Kirchhof's laws for the circuit, and then going to the limit where there are so many nodes, that it's like a continuum. The continuum limit is pretty familiar to astrophysicists, at least in three dimensions...