Question 9: Nov 23, 2017 Hand-in: Dec 7, 2017 Accretion around stellar-mass black holes produces radiation that peaks in x-rays. From accretion around supermassive black holes, the spectrum peaks in the ultraviolet. The task is to derive an order-of-magnitude formula relating the peak wavelength (or frequency) to the mass of the accreting black hole. Radiation comes from near the inner edge of the accretion disc. For this problem, let us drastically approximate that region by a sphere with radius corresponding to the ISCO, and radiating as a blackbody. If we can estimate the blackbody temperature, the result will follow. If the temperature is too high, the radiation pressure will blow away accreting gas. So the expected temperature will be such that radiation pressure times gas-particle cross-section equals the weight of the gas particles. The gas will certainly be ionised, hence the cross-section will be that of Thomson scattering. Feel free to use h = c = G = 1 for the calculation. You can always put the factors back in the last step, using dimensional arguments.