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Department of Astrophysics old


PhD Positions in Planetary/Exoplanetary Science 


The Planetary Science group at the Institute for Computational Science at the University of Zurich invites applications for PhD positions starting in fall 2023. The PhD topics include planet formation, evolution and interiors of planets in the solar system and beyond. The candidate should have a bachelor’s and master’s degree in physics, astrophysics, planetary sciences or equivalent. Candidates with a strong theoretical/computational background are especially encouraged to apply.

To apply, please send a motivation letter including a personal statement (maximum 1 page), a CV (maximum 2 pages), a list of publications (if applicable), transcripts of your grades of courses obtained during your bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and a cover letter (1 page). All materials should be uploaded to Academic Jobs Online (AJO), link: 

The candidate should also arrange for 3 confidential letters of recommendation to be uploaded to AJO prior to the deadline of 15 May 2023. For any inquiries please contact Prof. Ravit Helled, at 


Application Deadline: 

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Selection Deadline: 

Thursday, June 1, 2023